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Academic Anaesthesia

Supporting Training and CPD in Academic Anaesthesia

Since its inception the NIAA has aimed to identify and support academic trainees. We take a broad view and engage with trainees interested in research, those doing research whilst in a clinical role and those engaged in full time research.

For the 'research interested' anaesthesia trainee, Research Methods Days are delivered by the British Journal of Anaesthesia (BJA) and the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA). These one day courses comprise an introduction to research methodology, critical reading, study design, analysis and this is supported by hints on scientific writing and presentation at meetings.

The quality of research presented at such days has been high and we anticipate that this will go from strength to strength. Anaesthetic trainees are attracting funding from major funding organisations such as the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust as well as from Anaesthetic sources.

Not only does this indicate the quality of the personnel and ideas that are being developed but it shows that academia in anaesthesia is flourishing. Our mission is to continue this growth and spread the word to encourage research-interested trainees to come forward.

To this end the NIAA ran an 'Introduction to Academic Anaesthesia' course jointly with the London Deanery in September 2013 to encourage trainees to develop a career in academic anaesthesia. We are also keen to support the trainee-led research networks which have proved so successful and you can read more about these by clicking here.

If you would like to join our mailing list to find out more about news and funding opportunities please follow the link on the NIAA homepage. We have also created the NIAA researchers' database which we hope will become a resource for trainees looking to find research opportunities and potential mentors and supervisors. Please click here to access the database.